• March 2024 – Back to blogging!
    Hello everyone! Wow, last time I sat down to write a blog post we were moving website platforms (which I still haven’t finished), moving into the in-laws while we renovated our home and little did we know but we were also pregnant! What a difference a year makes! Quick introduction for anyone new here –… Read more: March 2024 – Back to blogging!
  • How to save money on your bills vol#1
    The last few weeks have seen a dramatic increase in many family’s costs whether that be from gas and electric or simply petrol and diesel costs soaring through the roof. So I thought now was quite a good time to pop something on about how you can save some money. Many families will be feeling… Read more: How to save money on your bills vol#1
  • Decluttering Part 1
    As you may already know, we’re having a kitchen extension built later in the year, so in preparation I’m trying to run down the supplies in the cupboards, the fridge and the freezer so that there is less “stuff” to pack away. Yesterday we signed off our plans so I knew it was time… as… Read more: Decluttering Part 1
  • Stress Management Tips
    A few months ago, I was asked to write an article for work and the topic I picked was Stress Management Why?! One day during lockdown, me and Dan we got to talking about stress. We realised we both had different perspectives and this influenced our stress reaction. Since then, I’ve done a little bit… Read more: Stress Management Tips
  • A Wright Lazy Sauce
    This sauce is the ultimate and most versitile 10 min recipe you will ever lay eyes on, its right up there with the very best time and money saving hacks in my kitchen and I have to give all credit to fellow Mrs Wright, Susan, for making it oh so silky smooth, lazier and easier… Read more: A Wright Lazy Sauce

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